At Adam Dental Care, we are committed to providing you with comfortable and quick procedures. To help you have the best appointment possible, Dr. Ibrahim El-Garawany and associates use state-of-the-art tools and technologies to improve your overall experience. One of the tools we incorporate at our office is an electronic handpiece.
If you have dental damage and are preparing to get a dental restoration, such as a dental crown or filling, our team will use an electronic handpiece to remove the damaged and decayed parts of your tooth. This allows our team to properly prepare your tooth for the restoration.
Handpieces are very common in the dental office, and there are two varieties that are most common: electric handpieces and air-driven handpieces. Our dentists and team use electronic handpieces, which use a motor rather than compressed air. The electric motor is stronger than the alternative and allows our team to remove decayed portions of the tooth faster and with more precision. This tool shortens your appointment times when you are getting a dental restoration. It is also quiet and smooth-functioning, giving you a comfortable appointment.
If you are interested in learning more about how we use electronic handpieces in Woodbridge, Virginia, feel free to call our office at 703-221-9759. We would love to help you prepare for your appointment.